Yams are not related to sweet potatoes at all. Yams are brown, rough like skin
“I think before I Yam” Ratbert
10 benefits, interesting facts and uses of Yams:
Yams is a good source of estrogen
Yams help against eye diseases
Yams have good content of potassium (19% RDA), manganese (19% of RDA), B complex group and dietary fiber
The fiber in yams help digestion and improve bowl movements
Yams help lung and respiratory problems
Yams help maintain good skin condition
Yams are a good source of Vitamin C (27% RDA), fight off infections and boost the immune system
Yams contain protein (3% of RDA)
Yams are fat and cholesterol free vegetable
100 grams of raw yams contain 28 grams of carbohydrates
Life and Health Coach